The pastoral work, centered on family, was visualized at the very beginning of the Eparchy through the department of Family Apostolate.  It has a priest as director and he is assisted by a team of trained laymen and women.  The services of a Priest, qualified and training in family counseling is available at the Department’s office at the Pastoral Centre, Kanjirapally. Families with relational, adjustment problems can receive expert guidance and follow-up family therapies.  The work of this department extends to all the parishes in the eparchy.


Director: Rev. Fr. Mathew Olickal

Animator: Rev. Sr. Jyothi Maria CSN 

Tel: 04828-205628, 9605518984, 7907064415


Family Apostolate organises programmes that enable the spouses to lead an eccelesial family life and conscientise them about their grave responsibility of family life. This department plans and executes programmes that are helpful to the faithful to keep up good family relations and to get conviction that those who are called to family life are the protectors of life.

It was in 1978, that this department started functioning in this Eparchy with Rev.Fr.Thomas Thoppil OFM Cap. as its first director. Its office started functioning in a room of a hospital owned by Dr.K.Eapen Kadamapuzha in the beginning. In 1989 it was shifted to Pastoral Centre.

The renewed emblem of this apostolate came into effect in 2019

Regular Programmes

Marriage Preparation Retreat

This retreat is organised once in every month in Nirmala Renewal Centre (N.R.C.) Podimattam and another in Pastoral Animation Centre (P.A.C.) Anakkara. This course is residential for three days duration. Meeting of parents of the would be spouses are also held along with it.

Post Marriage Course

This is a programme started in 2019, for newly wedded couples in their first year wedded life. It gives them proper guidance in the spousal life at the initial stage and brings them to mental unity and make them ready to accept children in their life.

Sauhruda Counselling

Those who need counseling are given free counseling, with advance booking.

Home mission

Home mission is conducted under the leadership of specially trained sisters in the eparchy. Home visits, classes, prayer session etc.are part of this programme.

Special days of celebration

March 19 (Feast of St.Joseph) as Fathers’ day (Pithru dinam), March 25 (Feast of Annuciation) as Jeevante Dinam (day of life) and August 27 (Feast of St.Monica) as mothers’ day (mathru Dinam) are celebrated. The Sunday after Christmas is observed as ‘family day’.


Family Apostolate publishes books  ‘Prarthana malarukal’ (Prayer book)

In every year Family Apostolate organises and conducts programmes and events according to the need of time.


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